I realize some might think the following foolish and scoff, but doing breathing deep during troubling times does work at calming you and allows for the emergence of different solutions to situations...even if it means just waiting. Case in point. On last Monday, I received a letter from my insurance company saying they were NOT okaying my upcoming 2nd chemo session of Keytruda. Scheduled to start sometime in late August or September, denial of this "kick ass" drug was disheartening. Calling my doctor's office, I offered my grant, proposal and white paper writing skills to better the chances on getting this approved. Ego was out the window - saving my life ruled. Luckily, a very wise friend came up with this sage advice 'you need your energy for healing so let the doctor's office do the heavy lifting' So true! All I could do was breathe deep and trust the Universe it would work out. On Friday the doctor's office informed me, the insuran...
When cancer is diagnosed, changes occur. This is my 2nd battle with the Beast. Yet, I refuse to let it define my entire life. I've endured major surgery, radiation, chemo and now immunotherapy for my current endometrial cancer. Am I hopeful? You bet! This blog is mostly based on my findings. I invite you to come along for some tumor humor, shed a tear, share a thought or alleviate fears. We're all in this together. Best, Linda B. Contact me at words4sail@gmail.com
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