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The Nippy Noggin Club

One thing rarely mentioned on cancer support groups or other sites is how cold one’s head and ears can become from a lack of hair.

I come from a family of mostly men. At various ages all experienced follicle challenges. But even those who showed more skin than hair, never mentioned being affected by the big chill.

Not me.

It seems everywhere I go my nippy noggin comes along.  Admittedly, when summer temperatures soar in the high 90’s feeling even a hot breeze across my naked scalp is nice. However, just the mildest of air conditioning has me scrambling for cover.  

Never a hat person prior to this latest challenge, I am now. A series of baseball caps and a wide-brimmed sun hat are typical daytime outdoor attire. Inside I cover up with felt and cotton beanies while singing the praises of the crafty volunteers who kindly donate their stitchery magic to my cancer care unit.

Last week I was caught short.

Having fallen and scraping up my hands and knees a trip to the ER was necessary.

This required hours of waiting in an exam room where meat could have been hanged next to the medical apparatus. Reaching into my knapsack dismay followed upon the realization I had no head covering with me.

Luckily, most hospitals now offer delightfully warm blankets. I received two and arranged the first over and around my naked head and neck. Seeing my image in a mirror laughter erupted. I looked like the elderly version of the Virgin Mary in an absurd production of the Nativity play.

Should you find yourself a member of nippy noggin club too, find comfort that you are not alone. Gather hats and scarves of varying styles, patterns and textures. Think of this as a new outlet to demonstrate your individuality and find pride in it.

Still shy?

Take heart in the words of Dr. Suess, the author who know a little about cats in hats.

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”


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